
Eric Solano @

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Peer-Reviewed Publications

Bobashev, G., Holloway, J., Solano, E., Gutkin. (2017). A Control Theory Model of Smoking. RTI Press publication OP-0040-1706. Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI Press.[RTI Press][PDF]

Solano, Eric, Morris, R. J., & Bobashev, G. V. (2013). Coupling models by routing communication through a database. RTI Press publication No. R-0026-1309. Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI. [PDF]

Bryant, S.P., Solano, Eric, Cantor, S., Cooley, P.C., & Wagener, D.K. (2011). Sharing research models: Using software engineering practices for facilitation. Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI Press. RTI Press Publication No. MR-0022-1103. March 2011. [PDF]

P. C. Cooley, D. Roberts, V. D. Bakalov, S. Bikmal, S. Cantor, T. Costandine, L. Ganapathi, B. J. Golla, G. Grubbs, C. Hollingsworth, S. Li, Y. Qin, William Savage, Member, IEEE, D. Simoni, Eric Solano, and D. Wagener (2008). The Model Repository of the Models of Infectious Disease Agent Study. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol. 12, No. 4, July 2008. [PDF]

Solano, Eric., Dumas, R. D., Harrison, K., Ranjithan, S. R., Barlaz, M. A., & Brill, E. D. (2002). Life-cycle-based solid waste management. II: Illustrative applications. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 138(10), 993–1005. [PDF]

Solano, Eric., Ranjithan, S. R., Barlaz, M. A., & Brill, E. D. (2002). Life-cycle-based solid waste management. I: Model development. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 128(10), 981–992. [PDF]

Harrison, K. W., Dumas, R. D., Solano, Eric., Barlaz, M. A., Brill, E. D., & Ranjithan, S. (2001). Decision support tool for life-cycle-based solid waste management. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 15(1), 44–58.

Conferences and Proceedings

Solano, E., Mills, K., Bobashev, G. V., Davis, J. L. (2015). Decision support tool for SSL luminaire reliability. Presented at 12th Annual U.S. Department of Energy Solid-State Lighting R&D Workshop, San Francisco, CA; January 27-29, 2015.

Yaga, R. W., Johnson, C., Mills, K., Baldasaro, N. G., Solano, E., Bobashev, G. V., Davis, J. L. (2015). System reliability model for SSL luminaires. Presented at 12th Annual U.S. Department of Energy Solid-State Lighting R&D Workshop, San Francisco, CA; January 27-29, 2015. 

Solano, E., Rineer, J., Scruggs, M., Bruhn, M. Smart Grid Data and Electric Power Load Forecasting. Innovation Forum, RTI International, Research Triangle Park, NC. January 13, 2015. [Poster]

Bobashev, G., Solano, E., & Hoffer, L. (2014, October). An agent-based model to support measuring drug choice and switch between drug types in rural populations. Presented at the International Conference on Advances in System Simulation, Nice, France. [PDF][Award]

Davis, J. L., Mills, K. C., Lamvik, M. K., Bittle, J. F., Shepherd, S. D., Evans, A. L., Baldasaro, N. G., Solano, E., & Bobashev, G. V. (Invited Speaker). (2014, May). Causes of color shift in SSL devices. Presented at DOE SSL Manufacturing Technologies Workshop, San Diego, CA.

Davis, J. L., Mills, K. C., Lamvik, M. K., Yaga, R. W., Shepherd, S. D., Bittle, J. F., Baldasaro, N. G., Solano, E., et al. (Invited Speaker). (2014, April). System reliability for LED-based products.  Presented at EuroSim 2014, Ghent, Belgium.

Davis, J. L., Mills, K. C., Yaga, R. W., Johnson, C. G., Baldasaro, N. G., Solano, E., & Bobashev, G. V. (2014, January). Reality model for solid-state lighting luminaires. Poster presented at DOE SSL R&D Workshop, Tampa, FL.

Clark, R. F., Solano, E., Edlund, M. J., Garge, N. R., & Johnson, E. O. (2013, October). A translational approach for cocaine abuse: From man to mouse to man. Poster presented at 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, Boston, MA.

Davis, J. L., Lamvik, M. K., Bittle, J. F., Shepherd, S. D., Yaga, R. W., Baldasaro, N. G., Solano, E., & Bobashev, G. V. (2013, September). Insights into accelerated aging of SSL luminaires. In Proceedings of SPIE: LED-base Illumination Systems, [8835], pp. 88350L-1–88350L-10. San Diego, CA.

Davis, J. L., Bittle, J. F., Lamvik, M. K., Shepherd, S. D., Yaga, R. W., Baldasaro, N. G., Solano, E., et al. (2013, June). System reliability model for SSL luminaires. Poster presented at the U.S. Department of Energy Solid State Lighting Manufacturing R&D Workshop, Boston, MA.

Solano, E., Bobashev, G., & Hoffer, L. (2013, April). An agent-based model to support measuring drug choice and switch between drug types in rural populations. Presented at North Carolina State University. Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering’s Computing & Systems Colloquium.  

Davis, J. L., Lamvik, M. K., Shepherd, S. D., Yaga, R. W., Bittle, J. F., Bobashev, G. V., Solano , E., & Baldasaro, N. G. (2013, January). System reliability model for SSL luminaires. Poster presented at DOE Solid-State Lighting R&D Workshop, Long Beach, CA. 

Davis, J. L., Lamvik, M. K., Bittle, J. F., Shepherd, S. D., Yaga, R. W., Baldasaro, N. G., Solano, E., & Bobashev, G. V. (2013). Insights into accelerated aging of SSL luminaires. In Proceedings of SPIE: LED-base Illumination Systems, 8835, pp. 88350L-1–88350L-10. San Diego, CA. 

Solano, Eric. (2012). Multi-objective Linear Programming Optimization for Waste Management Simulation. SIMUL 2012, The Fourth International Conference on Advances in System Simulation, Lisbon, Portugal. [PDF

P. C. Cooley, Solano, Eric. (2011). Agent-Based Model (ABM) Validation Considerations. SIMUL 2011, The Third International Conference on Advances in System Simulation, Barcelona, Spain. [PDF

Solano, E. (2010). Theoretical Framework for the Vulnerability and Resilience Assessments of Infrastructures. Poster presented at the Institute for Homeland Security Solutions Research Summit, 2010. Research Triangle Park, NC. [Pic1][Pic2

Simoni, D. A., Bryant, S. P., Cooley, P. C., Solano, E., Roberts, D. J., & Wagener, D. K. (2010, October). MATLAB and parallel computing toolbox: Next generation of environment for developing cluster based applications. Presented at The Huntsville Simulation Conference, Huntsville, AL.

Simoni, D. A., Bryant, S. P., Solano, E., Roberts, D. J., Cooley, P. C., & Wagener, D. K. (2010, June). Modeling the spread of epidemics using MATLAB and MathWorks parallel computing tools. Presented at MATLAB Technology Tour, Durham, NC. 

Rein, D. B., Allaire, B. T., & Solano, E. (2009, March). Should we vaccinate children against hepatitis A in high incidence countries? Results from a dynamic transmission model that accounts for natural declines in force of infection, foreign sources of infection, and vaccination coverage rates. Presented at 13th International Symposium on Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease, Washington, DC.  

Rein, D. B., Allaire, B. T., & Solano, E. (2008, October). Modeling the effectiveness of hepatitis A vaccination when accounting for transmission dynamics. Presented at Center of Excellence in Health Promotion Economics Seminar Series, Research Triangle Park, NC. 

Solano, E. (2008). The Use of Agent-Based Simulation (ABS) in Environmental Management. Seminar presented to Hazen and Sawyer engineering staff valid for Professional Development credit, June 4, 2008, Raleigh, NC. 

Honeycutt, A., Lesesne, S., Lin, S., Solano, E., & Hoerger, T. (2008, April). Model of the economic impacts of seasonal influenza vaccination. Presented to the Office of the ASPE, Washington, DC. 

Cooley, P. C., Simoni, D. A., Wagener, D. K., & Solano, E. (2007). The MIDAS research network. Poster presented at RTI’s Fellows Internal Symposium, Research Triangle Park, NC. 

Cooley, P. C., Simoni, D. A., Wagener, D. K., & Solano, E. (2007, October 9-12). The MIDAS research network. Poster presented at XXXIII Latin American Conference on Informatics (CLEI2007), San Jose, Costa Rica. 

Cooley, P. C., Simoni, D. A., Wagener, D. K., & Solano, E. (2007, March 28-30). The MIDAS research network. Poster presented at Costa Rica Technology Insight 2007, San Jose, Costa Rica. 

Weitz, K. A., Branscome, M. R., Bahner, M. A., Coburn, J. B., & Solano, E. (2007). Assessing the climate change impacts of solid waste management (presented by K.A. Weitz). Poster presented at 2007 RTI International Fellows Internal Symposium, Research Triangle Park, NC.

Cooter, W. S., Ilieve, P. I., Bondelid, T. R., Bruhn, M. C., Pickren, K. P., Solano, E., & Rao, S. M. (2006). NHD tools for the evaluation of watershed condition and management performance. Poster presented at the 5th National Monitoring conference of the National Water Quality Monitoring Council, San Jose, CA.

Brandmeyer, J. E., Solano, E., Zerbonia, R. A., Gao, G., Xin, L., Tian, C., & Aijun, S. (2005). The emissions inventory database application component of the air quality management decision support system for Beijing. Presented at the 14th annual Emission Inventory conference, Las Vegas, NV. [PDF]

Brandmeyer, J. E., Solano, E., Zerbonia, R. A., Gao, G., Xin, L., Tian, C., & Jiawen, J. (2004). Development of an air quality management decision support system for Beijing, China. Presented at the Community Modeling and Analysis System (CMAS) Models-3 Conference in Chapel Hill, NC. [PDF]

Harrison, K.W., Dumas, R.D., Solano, E., M.A. Barlaz, E.D. Brill, and S. Ranjithan (1998). Interactively Exploring Efficient Solid Waste Management Alternatives to Meet Environmental Goals. Presented at the 25th Annual Water Resources Planning and Management Conference (ASCE), Chicago, IL.

Ranjithan, S., M.A. Barlaz, E.D. Brill, R.D. Dumas, K.W. Harrison, B.A. Kosmicki, and Solano, E. (1996). Development of Alternative Integrated Solid Waste Management Strategies in Consideration of Economic and Environmental Factors. Presented at the 12th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, Philadelphia, PA.

Ranjithan, S., Solano, E., K.W. Harrison, R.D. Dumas, M.A. Barlaz, and E.D. Brill, Jr. (1996). Economic and Environmental Trade-Off in Integrated Solid Waste Management. INFORMS, Washington, DC.

Harrison, K.W., Fu, S.-Y., Solano, E., R.D. Dumas, Ranjithan, S., M.A. Barlaz, and E.D. Brill, Jr. (1996). Computer-Based Integrated Solid Waste Management System: A Decision Support System Prototype Demonstration. INFORMS, Washington, DC.

Pujol, R., Solano, E. (1992). Solid Waste Recycling in Costa Rica: New Bottles for an Old Wine? In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Solid Waste Management and Secondary Materials, Philadelphia, PA. [PDF]

Solano, E. (1992). Solid Waste Generation Rates and Composition Studies in Costa Rica (in Spanish). In Proceedings of the IV Hydraulic Resources National Congress, San Jose, Costa Rica. [PDF]

Technical Reports 

Solano, Eric (2010). Research Brief: Methods for Assessing Vulnerability of Critical Infrastructure.Institute for Homeland Security Solutions (IHSS), March 2010. [PDF]

Solano, E., Truesdale, R., Blanco, A. (2005). Development of Water Quality Analyses for the Shared Waters of the United States and Mexico. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP). EPA 832-R-05-006, December 2005. [NSCEP Simple Search: 832R05006]   

Solano, E., Pujol, R., Monzon, J. (1994). Recycling of Packaging Waste in Costa Rica (Spanish). Pan American Information Network on Environmental Health. Santiago, Chile; CEPAL; 1994. 68 p.; PE8.1, CAPRE ; 6800, S 66. 001037, 19940510. [PDF]

Abarca, L., Soto, M., Barrantes, A., Castro, C., Chevez, A., Porras, A., Quesada, T., Solano, E., Ulloa, F. (1991). Solid Waste Management National Plan for Costa Rica (Spanish). Pan American Information Network on Environmental Health. San Jose, Costa Rica, GTZ; 1991. 250 pp. tab.; PE8.1, CAPRE; 6000, A 11. 001100, 19940512. [PDF] 


Solano, E. (1999). Integrated solid waste management alternatives in consideration of economic and environmental factors: A mathematical model and development and evaluation. Ph.D. Dissertation. North Carolina State University, Department of Civil Engineering, Raleigh, NC. [PDF]

Solano, E. (1996). Life-Cycle Assessment of Municipal Solid Waste Management Alternatives: An Integrated Optimization Model. Master of Science Thesis. North Carolina State University, Department of Civil Engineering, Raleigh, NC. [PDF]

Solano, E. (1991). Pre-feasibility study of solid waste railroad transportation to a landfill outside the Great Metropolitan Area in San Jose, Costa Rica (Spanish). Licenciatura (5-year Degree) Thesis. University of Costa Rica. Pan American Information Network on Environmental Health. PNMD-64; 1991. 187 p. maps, tab.; PE8.1, CAPRE ; 6500, S 66. 000276, 19940630. [PDF]