Professional Experience

Senior Data Scientist / Continental Tire Americas 

August 2018 – present

Lead architect for the Telemetry Backbone, a platform to collect, store and analyze telemetry data from vehicles (automobiles, trucks, buses).

Design and execution of multiple projects in data science to derive insights from use cases related to: manufacturing, vehicle data, customer relationship management, etc.

Responsible to develop, deploy and automate industrialized projects in multiple Cloud-based platforms.

Research Engineer / Data Scientist at RTI International

August 1999 – June 2015

Team Leader for the Integrated Solid Waste Management Model Development (ISWM) (1994 to date). Developed a quantitative framework and a mathematical model to aid in decision making for integrated municipal solid waste (MSW) management.

Project Technical Leader for the Development of Integrated Water Quality Analyses for the Shared Waters of the United States and Mexico (2004 to 2006). The goal of EPA’s Border 2012 Program was to reduce water contamination on the U.S.-Mexico border by collecting and analyzing water quality data.

Team Member for the Air Quality Modeling Decision Support Tool (2004 to 2006). Helped create an air quality modeling decision support tool to help the city of Beijing, China, analyze and improve air quality before the 2008 Olympic Games.

Team Member for the Development of GIS Tools to Evaluate Risks to Watershed Health from Wildfires in the Western United States (2004 to 2006).

Research Assistant at North Carolina State University

August 1994 – July 1999  

Developed a quantitative framework to aid in decision making for integrated municipal solid waste (MSW) management. Developed the mathematical model to solve problem that caused the previous models to be time-consuming and overly complex. The model uses a flexible framework to represent many site-specific issues and considerations. It incorporates both cost and environmental objectives. 

The environmental objectives are defined in terms of life cycle inventories of energy and emissions (of carbon monoxide, fossil- and biomass-derived carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, particulate matter [PM], and PM10) and greenhouse gases) associated with MSW management strategies. The application of this model was demonstrated through realistic hypothetical case studies. Several MSW management scenarios of typical interest to U.S. municipalities were studied. Through these illustrative applications, the flexibility and capabilities of the model were demonstrated.

Research Analyst at Universidad de Costa Rica

January 1992 – July 1994  

Served as a member of the Sustainable Urban Development Program at the University of Costa Rica, which helped develop projects in a variety of disciplines, including solid waste management, urban growth, and the use of appropriate technologies such as clean energy, biomass energy and low-cost technologies to solve problems in urban and rural areas.

Served as a research team member on a project that developed management plans for national parks and protected areas in Costa Rica. Plans included tropical rain forest biodiversity protection plans, surface waters, coastal and marine resources management, environmental education, socio-economic studies to integrate communities interacting with parks, and carrying capacity studies.

Taught courses on strength of materials, mechanics, and engineering economics as part of his instructor duties at the university.

Independent Consultant at Government of Costa Rica

January 1992 – July 1994  

Performed consultant work for the United Nations under Special Service Agreement CLA/94/1337, analyzing product manufacturing in Costa Rica from a life cycle assessment perspective.

Served as a research team member on a project with the German Agency for Technical Assistance (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH) that focused on solid waste management in the San Jose, Costa Rica metropolitan area.